request_picasa(AuthToken, User, ImgName, Data) ->
Body = iolist_to_binary(Data),
Authorization = <<"GoogleLogin auth=", AuthToken/binary>>,
Url = "" ++ User ++ "/album/blog",
case http:request(post,
{ Url,
[ { "Authorization", binary_to_list(Authorization) },
{ "Slug", ImgName }
"image/jpeg", % Content-type
Body % Body
[ {timeout, 30000}, {sync, false} ], % HTTPOptions
[ {body_format, binary} ]) of % Options
{ok, Result} ->
case Result of
{{_, 201, _}, Headers, Response} ->
{ok, Headers, Response};
{_,_,Response} ->
{error, Reason} ->
io:format("Error: ~p~n", [Reason])
And what's you must note is the following:
- a new url to Post your image.
- a new header named 'Slug' holding the value of the filename you want for your image
- a timeout of 30 seconds, letting enough time for the upload process to complete.
- content-length holding the size of the binary data of your image
- content-type holding the image type, here 'image/jpeg'
The variable File holds the binary data, the Auth variable holds the 'correct' Picasa AuthToken, so the 'request_picasa/4' fun can be called correctly...
{ok, File} = prim_file:read_file(Image),
{value, {_, Auth}} = lists:keysearch(picasa, 1, State#state.auth),
case request_picasa(Auth, User, ImgName, File ) of
I'll upgrade later the project, because I want the 'request_picasa' fun to return {ok, ImageUrl}, and to do that I need to parse the atom response sent by Google... And I'm asking myself wether I doit using xmerl or leex ;]